Saturday, April 2, 2016

How To Start Keeping Your Cash Safe

This is rather simple, but too many people don't do it. Keep your cash away from Pension Plans. Why would you tie up your money for many years only to be taxed at higher amounts later in life? You say you won't be making as much money then? Why? Why wouldn't you make more money as you get older?

Oh, you want the government to take care of you? Right?

Good luck with that.

Do not, I repeat do not expect the government to help you out. I don't. Keep your money in cash and work your job and start a business on the side, that has a good chance of making money. And don't spend money you can't afford to lose either.

Yeah, I'm being a bit of a jerk here. So?

You want to be like everyone else depending on your pension and government in your old age? If you live that long. Keep your money in cash guys. Worry about getting your money back, not how much some fund might pay you. That's a big might. The stock market is for suckers, don't be one. Think of ways to make extra cash hustling, in a business that can help others. Believe me you'll enjoy life more and be more empowered to make money and help others.

Keep your money in cash, work your job and make profits on the side in a business. You'll be a happy camper then.


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