Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Are Rich People Greedy? Read This And Find Out The True Answer To This Important Question In Today's Financial World

Question for you folks out there;Do You Think Wealthy People Are Greedy?

There is no automatic answer to this question. I was texting a friend tonight and asked him that. I told him to really think about it before he gave a yes or no. Unfortunately I was disappointed when he answered me in less than a minute and said rich people are greedy. I didn't actually tell him my answer and said to him I wanted him to really think about it hard. Then he said he knows rich people who just want more and more. I then said you're thinking about this all wrong. Most people I've asked this question to,including relatives and people who make 100's of thousands a year I asked,still think rich people are greedy.

                                                                                                                                                        Really,that's what you think?

Most people I asked this question to are educated people,yet they don't understand their own answer to this question.

I sometimes think that educated people are some of most unintelligent people in society.
Who Are The Greedy People In Life?

It's Not Business People

As I get older I find that that most people have it all wrong when it comes to being greedy. Most people seem to think that it's people in business who are the greedy ones. Right? WRONG!!!!
Most people in business who have succeeded are there to help society and help employ others and show them how to make money. They give back, believe me. Not every businessman though.
But most others who work a regular job, don't try to better themselves and think that their employer and the government should be there for them, are the greedy ones.

How can you say that Mark?

Easy, it's the way it is. Most people have been educated to think you get a job, pay taxes and put money in a retirement plan to make money. That's all swell, but most people won't make the kind of money they need to have a good retirement. These are the people who think business people are greedy, and complain about taxes and the way the government is run. These are also the people who don't have the guts to take just a little money, just a little of their own money and start a business.
Just dip your toe in a bit and surf the waters of business. Yeah, you might make a mistake. Take money you can afford to lose.

So what!!
Yes,Use money you can afford to lose. Learn all you can from a successful business person and educate yourself. Most of you won't do that, will you? Yep.

But most of you, and that includes you in the corner over there think that the only way to make money in business is to make it all at once. Doesn't happen like that at all people. You think if you make mistakes in business that's a reflection on you as a person. Hardly. As long as you're not a scammer or just out for a quick buck.

And even if you're expecting an inheritance, you have to pay taxes on that. As well, don't expect to win the Powerball lottery. Good luck with that. Even if you won that lottery, most of you can't handle hundreds of thousands of dollars. How do you expect to handle 100 million. I can hear it now, you'll say it won't matter because I'll have so much cash. Yeah, sure,think what ya' there ladies and gents.
Just start a business. Think about a hobby you like to do. Maybe you're a writer like me and a cleaner. Start by writing for people for free, and give a local business some free cleaning for the outside of their business picking up litter. I tell that to musicians as well. Do some free gigs opening for bands. Don't expect a bunch of cash.

Just start. Just do one thing. You're not being greedy, and you'll learn something and help others along the way. Like I said, use cash you can afford to lose. Don't take out a loan from a bank or even a relative. Use your own cash.Don;'t be a bloody Moron! You can write that off partially because being in business you're taxed less than an employee, and you can write off expenses.

You'll feel better about yourself and be able to employ others or take on subcontractors eventually. All in good time. And you'll think differently about who is really the greedy one. Or become a politician and live the ultimate "comped" life. It's like being in Vegas, especially if you're a State, federal or provincial politician here in Canada. I'm just joking about the politico thing.

Just start by searching out local business people who have done well. Offer to interview them and start a website talking to local business people. See what you really want to do. You may not even want to be in business. But you'll think differently about what you do want, and you won't be so greedy.

And you'll know who the real greedy ones are. And it's not business people.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the kind words on that article. Being in business doesn't mean using every dime you have to scratch out a living.
    Not the way to do things. It's surprising who the greedy people really are,isn't it? Keep on working hard to make a better life for you and others. Mark
