Monday, April 15, 2013

How To Start A Small Business On The Side To Make Extra Cash---Because You'll Need To In the Coming Crisis

Hey everyone, Mark here.

It's so important that you make extra cash. I get a laugh out of people who make 100,000 a year yet never believe they could lose their job or start losing cash. Makes me laugh big time!!

Lets see; If you make 100 G's you're taxed about 45% here in Canada which leaves you with 55 G's. Sucks doesn't it?

Yeah, you still do okay. What if you have a mortgage, ex wife, kids and other major bills? You don't have so much cash anymore, do you?

This is part of the reason to have a business on the side. Plus, you save on taxes as well. But, I could see  our politicians taxing business like they do people who work a regular job thinking it will help get back some of the deficit they created. Bullshit!! It will never happen. Ya see where I'm going with all this lads? Probably not.

Okay, here is what to do. Start a bloody business. Offer a service. I started a small business. A Cleaning business. Yes, I clean residential homes and offices. And I started a litter pickup service as well. I did not register the business. I put it under my own name. My costs are very little. I can write off the expenses in supplies and equipment as well. I made a profit right from the very start. My first customer was my landlord who I continue to do business with since he picked up another investment property. No I'm not bullshitting you. Nor am I lying.

No reason to. Or else I'm screwed.

I'm focusing mainly on my litter pickup service which again costs me very little in equipment costs. And I keep the equipment where I do my cleaning jobs. I'm not paid as an employee. I'm a businessman now. It's more interesting than a job. Yeah, I still work a part time job doing security work. I do like it because I learn a lot. Here in Ontario with my business I pay 15% federally, and 5% provincially. I will be a corporation at some point so I save even more on taxes. I'm to the point now I plan on hiring a sub contractor to take of care of some cleaning jobs.

Believe me taking on employees can cost a business way too much. I have other ideas on business I will be implementing as well. Think about what you like to do on the side and how you can turn that into a business without having to get a loan or go into debt. Why would you want to do that? Makes no sense.

Yeah, I don't care if you make half a million a year from a regular job, being in a business on the side will help you tax wise until our loser politicians decide because most of you are too dumb and think that people in business are the devil, and that they should be taxed to the hilt. Us people in business, We're helping society, not hindering it.

Most money is made between people face to face, not on the internet guys. Think about a business or hobby you enjoy doing and how you can monetize it without breaking the bank.

You can do it. 

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