Monday, September 25, 2017

How To Keep Your Cash Safe

 Hey guys,this is an old repost from when I first started the How To keep Your Cash blog. Hey everyone, here's my first post on the blog. It's relatively simple guys, I believe you have to protect your cash. Too many people are being easily taken in by the mutual fund hucksters and looking for an easy way to make money.

Stocks if you can't handle them emotionally with the ups and downs of the market are not a good thing.

Most people don't understand stocks and mutual funds. You're risking your hard earned money to someone else to make money for you. That guy who runs a mutual fund and makes investments for 100's or thousands of folks, we're hoping he makes the right decision.

Good luck with all of that guys.

Another thing, Gold or real estate investing isn't the answer either. Neither is getting an internet business.

Here's where you need to put your cash. Put it in the bloody bank. Yep, in a basic bank account. You'll sleep better at night and even though you won't get 4 or 5 percent on your money, chances are you'll come out ahead of the market.

And putting your cash in an IRA just locks in your money and if you take any out before you hit a certain age; you'll be taxed like a bastard. At the most put your money in some Certificates of Deposit, or CD's for short terms. If you can afford it put in 2,500 bucks a piece into 2 CD's. Have one mature in 6 months and the other in a year. Keep the maturity date short because you won't come out much farther ahead, if you keep the CD for 5 years.

These days with interest rates on CD's and Treasuries being so low, you're better off just banking your money in safe cash accounts and CD's. If you don't understand certain types of investments don't do it. Or learn all you can about them, knowing you probably will lose a bit of money or a lot.

Me, I keep my money strictly in cash. Your other bet is to start a small business. Something you know and understand, and use money you can afford to lose. Don't put thousands of dollars into something you like but don't really fully grasp. Makes no sense to me at least.

Your best bet is to work a regular job, put your money in safe cash accounts and start a small business with money you can afford to lose. You can come out ahead and make a good living. Just follow the basics I've laid out here.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

How To Make Cash,See Opportunities Where Most Don't, And Make Money

How To Save Cash,See Opportunities Where Most Don't And Make Money

This is an important repost on making money guys.

Most people including you have that million dollar idea for a business. But most never get started and time passes by and all you have is that one flow of income where you trade your time for a paycheck.

Everyone is always looking for a way to save that cash you'll need in the future. Like I keep saying to everyone we have our own financial realities and it may be tough for you save even a few bucks.

I understand that, believe me I do.

But if you don't start saving even 5 bucks a week what are you going to do, run to the government to help you.? The best opportunities are not getting a check from "The Revenuers."

What? you're going to wait for that Rebate check from the government, or until you're 65 when you get that Social Security Check? Come on guys.

The world does not you a living.

I'm not trying to be depressing guys.

There are even more opportunities out there than you think to make extra cash on the side,and take advantage of opportunity out there. What? you're going to tell me I'm taking advantage of the little guy?

Hell No!!

What if you could start a small business making a few extra bucks, and then in a year or so be able to hire independent contractors and give them a job. There by helping people.

For most people I realize they just want to work a job, save a few bucks and have free time to devote to the family. That's a noble thing. But what if you could take a skill or see an opportunity, and do it part time with your family, taking money you can afford to lose? 

Don't do it if you can't afford to lose it.

Or think about the things you have in your garage that have been sitting in your garage for years not being used. Could be a treadmill you never use, a saw you never use, or some funky art you bought that's just collecting dirt. Sell em' in a yard sale or on Craigslist.

Instantly, you're in business.

Me personally, I saw an opportunity and started a small cleaning business. An old landlord I rented from needed a cleaner. So, I bought some cleaning supplies and was in business cleaning two houses. And it cost me less than 50 bucks.

I did that on the side while I worked still.

I then saw an opportunity cleaning cigarette butts, coffee cups, food wrappers and small debris from properties. Basically, a litter pickup service. I then got enough work doing litter pickup and hired a subcontractor and I collected a small royalty from their work, and I helped them make a few extra bucks.

As well, I am a writer in the music field and write promotional material, articles and get media for musicians.
Along with that I write for blues record labels and working on writing for Classic Rock Radio stations and doing advertising for music equipment companies who advertise in Guitar Player and Guitar World.

If you're interested in being an advertising copywriter,why not learn to do it yourself instead of taking an
expensive course,or a college writing course. If you're a creative sort---look at magazines online you're
interested in. Maybe guitars,stock cars,financial etc. Read the ads and write new ads and put a twist on them.

Buy old magazines from the 70's and 80's and reword ads you find interesting. On the weekend I took old cigarette ads and reworded them. And I went and looked for ad agencies who write ads for these magazines.

Apply to them. All they can say is no. Big deal. Take a chance most won't. Advertising writing pays well,and you can do it from home these days. Not like the 50's,60's and 70's when you had to grind away in an office downtown
coming up with advertising copy. You can write articles,make websites and software right at home.

They keep saying the sky's the limit. I beg to differ. There are no limits I say.

Its easier than you think to start a business without using money you can't afford to lose. And yes, even save a few bucks.

if you're looking for some ideas on starting a business or making a few bucks just email me, or go to a blog I read weekly and learn from. Jason Moffatt is an honest,hardworking internet marketer who's been in the trenches like you and me without a dime,but learned how to make money online,and eventually started making a good living. He can show you how to make money selling products,services and being a go to guy or gal for marketing

and business knowledge.

On that site there is a free course on how to come up with a solid business idea or ideas.

With the advent of the internet its even easier to start a business almost for free. And save a few bucks.

PS: Here's another saving money tip. Get rid of that credit card and don't put your cash in mutual funds or any risky investments. Keep your cash safe in the bank or CD's at most so you can sleep at night.

All my money I make is from my job and my business. And it all goes strictly into cash accounts.

Work a job, start a small business with money you can afford to lose. Save a few bucks and don't depend on good old "Uncle Sam" to help you in your twilight years.

In my next article I will talk about putting cash into sub accounts which will pay for expenses and keep it away from a regular savings plan.

Much success to you. Email me here with any questions

Monday, July 17, 2017

The Best Investments For You,The Young Adult

The Best Investments For You,The Young Adult

Doing something as simple as saving money in a bank account is what you want to do.
So many people don't even do that,and it can have detrimental results and consequences
in your financial future you don't want.

I know you know this stuff but so many never do it. I personally would rather see
someone be able to make enough money to be able to save 100 Grand in cash in 10
years in a bank account,than putting a lot of money into mutual funds and stocks
and not having control over whether you'll actually come out ahead.

If you do work for a major corporation and they offer a retirement program in which you put 2 percent of your pay into a retirement program,and they match it with 2 percent,use that.

Yes,it's a retirement plan that you have to pay taxes on eventually;but if you sock away
that 2 percent every week you'll be better off.

Example: If you make 1,000 a week after taxes and you take out 2 percent,that's 20 dollars
a week. I know it's a very small amount but it's more than most people put into retirement.

That's a 20 dollar top up from your employer and 160 dollars a month put into your retirment fund.
As well you cut back on the amount of taxes you pay yearly on your income by investing in a government
registered account.

The only thing I don't like is if you take out money from your retirement fund you're taxed. As well
when you do retire you're taxed again until all your money is gone.

As well when you do retire you have to take a certain percentage out every year.

To me it doesn't seem like a great way to invest your money.It saves you taxes for the time being,but in the end you have to pay tax again when you start drawing out that money in your later years.

I suggest better ways to invest your money. Even a bank account is better investment wise even though it makes very little interest wise. You pay no taxes on it,and in Canada you can put 5,500 in a tax free savings account every year. And if you do take all the money out you're not taxed one thin dime.

The tax free savings account is best for people who don't make a lot of money.And if you haven't put money into a tax free savings account in 4 years,the amount you can contribute builds up to 22,000.

And even if you took out all that money it's not taxed at all again.

I personally use the Tax free Savings Account here in Canada. At one time you could put in 10,000 a year, but our federal governent decided to virtually cut it in half.

If the country you live in as a young adult offers a  tax free savings account,use it to fuel and build up
your savings for the future.

Investing: A Dirty Word

I know I say you shouldn't invest in the stock market,but if you do invest in companies you understand. Research them thoroughly. Make sure you understand the product or service,and make sure it's a well known company that's on the New York Stock Exchange.

Preferably buy stocks of a company that's a Blue Chip company.Meaning that it is a company that makes a lot of dough and has a healthy balance sheet that has more revenue coming in that stays,than is going out. And, has a good dividend from it's shares every quarter.

Research one or two stocks at the most. Don't go the mutual fund route. Buy small amounts of shares each month and stay in for the long haul.

Use small bits of money you can afford to lose. Remember that?

You are not guaranteed to make money. Learn from top stock pickers like Warren Buffet,Benjamin Graham who was Buffet's mentor when he started investing,and Ray Dalio who owns one of the world's biggest Hedge Funds,and has an all weather investment portfolio tip that surprised  me,because he only recommends approximately 25 to 30 percent in stocks,and the rest to be fixed income,precious metals and commodities.

And please make sure you constantly research and educate yourself on what the one or two stocks
are doing.

Learn Things To Be Well Employed:

I realize I'm repeating some of these things,but they need to be repeated so you understand that if you
want a better life you need to invest in yourself. And that means a better paying job. And if you don't
get a better paying job you better make money on the side.

That doesn't mean another job.

Look at the types of jobs that will be in demand in the future.Things such as software development, getting a trade or take a management course.Look at what I do online.There is a big demand for people to make web- sites.

These are things that will be in demand in the future while you make money on the side in a business,and socking away some of your money and dare I say,putting money in the stock market.But please educate yourself constantly if you go into the stock market.


Invest In Relationships:

What is business and even getting a job about?

Yes,it's about relationships,not just about who's the most qualified person to do business with,or get
that job with your company.

If all you do is talk business you'll be doomed!

And don't talk about the economy and how bad it is.

Ask questions about the company and what they do to help the community. As well,and I say it again,to educate yourself on the company you want to work for or do business with.Then come up with questions about the company.

Don't make an interview or a talk about doing business with a company about you.

Find out who you'll be talking to when you have that interview or talk about business,and ask them questions about themselves.

The reason I say you should ask questions and not make the interview about you,,is,Sam Walton who owned Walmart and was one of the wealthiest people in the world 25 years ago--always asked more questions,then he was being asked,and researched companies in his field to find out if they knew something he didn't and could use it to help his company.

And develop relationships with these people before you do business or get that job. Also make the relationships in your own life strong.because if you don't have good relationships yourself,that tends to show up when you do get that job or business with a company.

So make relationships a priority before doing business or getting that job.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Grant Cardone On Why You Need To Bank That Cash And Stop Wasting It!!!

I've been watching a businessman named Grant Cardone on Youtube lately. He's a  pistol man,and can sell dirt to farmers he's that good.

But he's down to earth and tells you that time is a' wastin' and you need more money so you can bank it in hard times. He's a mega real estate investor,and can help you and me.

There is no obligation,just common sense on making it in this life from grant.

Thanks Grant.  

Friday, April 28, 2017

Rich Piana On How To Motivate Your Ass To become Successful

Bodybuilder,supplement business owner,and all around businessman Rich Piana talks about his success in business,making money and why anyone can become successful in his books.

When you watch this,take notes even if you dont want to do some of the things Rich has done. Innovate ways to do some things to make money without spending all your money and being broke.

That's what Rich is trying to get across. And never give up.

Rich also has other videos on being in business and ideas you can implement today.

Thanks Rich.

For more info look up Rich on Youtube and his supplement company 5 % Nutritiom.

Much success to you all. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Tai Lopez On How To Turn Pocket Change Into Wealth

Hey guys. This is an important video from Tai Lopez who I pay to educate me. He's a well known businessman from Los Angeles,and someone well worth learning from.

He talks about teaching ourselves how to save money and just investing a small amount into something that will make us money while we continue to work at a regular job.

Tai also goes into a book about JR Simplot who was a billionaire but not well known,and the fact he used very small amounts of money and invested in things that appreciated over time. Not things that rust,rot or depreciate in value.

Mr. Simplot was a major land owner and factory owner who was a major influence in the agriculture product industry in the early to mid 1900's.

You want to learn from a major capitalist who understands where the economy is going,and learns from others? Tai Lopez is that person.

But read this book from JR Simplot,and learn how to focus on one industry,learn all you can and hang on to that. Don't go in many directions. That only results in mistakes and major failure.

Here's the link to Tai Lopez. He's a major force in business and on the internet social media wise.

Thanks Tai

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

How To Keep Your Money And ID Safe

4 Red Flags Your Identity Has Been Stolen

There are many ways for others to steal your identity.

Lets dive into the ways the others can screw up your life financially
by stealing your identity that has you scrambling to get things right so
you're not totally scammed,skimmed or phished.

I'm first of all going to go into a low tech way you can be scammed
that most people overlook,because the internet is so prevalent.

People stealing personal information right out of your garbage or recycle bin.

You think it can't happen,but it can. When you get a bill or your credit card
or bank statement in the mail,do you just throw the statement in the mail with
your name and account number on it still?

If you do someone who finds that in your garbage can still use that information to
open a new account in your name and possibly have access to your other accounts
and even open a credit card in your name and have it sent to their address,not yours.

Then they can rack up huge bills that you may have to pay,not them.

People can even use your identity to have all your mail from your banker, sent to them.

Go ahead,put your mail in the garbage with your name and account number on it. Even how
much is in those accounts so a scammer can figure out how much to take out.

Eventually someone will rip you off. If not it's pure luck in your favor. Not something
good to count on.

Ok, here's another ID stealing way for you to lose the farm and your life savings.
"Sounds like fun,eh?"

You ever get an email from your bank wanting your username and password to take care of something?

Well, you shouldn't unless you requested an email from them.

Most people are gullible unfortunately, and will click the link in the bloody email.

You're basically screwed once you give them your banking information. And they'll leave you
penniless given even a bit of an opportunity.

The email or phishing scam works like a charm and why it's done everyday.

Crazy isn't it?

Okay, here's the last ID Thieving or outright thievery of your hard earned money.

Money skimming devices on ATM machines.

Note: This almost happened to me. What I mean is an ATM I used apparently had a skimming device
on it that picked up people's account information,including passwords and the account number.

But luckily enough my bank's security service picked it up and topped that imeediately.

Here's what I suggest when you're at an ATM. Take your hand and brush it hard, across the key pad
and any part of the ATM machine. You may think that's overkill,but I'd rather keep my account safe
than just thinking that can't happen to me.

As well, look for people sitting in a car nearby watching the ATM, or even standing near by.
Stay safe at an ATM guys. If you're not sure or feel threatened, call your bank immediatel
on your cell phone.

If you think none of this can happen to you,think again. It happens everday.

Oh,one more tip to keep your ID safe. Keep all your ID in a safe spot at home, not out in the open
when you go out. If someone breaks in your home,they can easily abscond with your ID and money that
most people keep out in the open. Don't be that person.

If you don't have to,don't carry all your ID on you all the time if you don't need it.

Like I said,keep it in a safe spot in your home. If you own your own home,cut out a piece of a closet
floor or the wall in a closet,and measure out wood to build a false floor or part of the wall to keep
your ID and extra money safe.

Even buy a small safe and put it in the false floor or closet wall.

All tips meant to keep you, your ID and money safe.

Especially your ID. Money can be replaced,but your ID can become a big tangle of red government
tape you don't want. Just to get your ID replaced.

Hope these tips help keep your ID and money safe.